It all started with that “simple” question from my wife…"Honey, I have an idea of something that I want to do….” Probably, like most of the husbands out there, my immediate reaction, knowing what “simple” meant, was "What do you want built, lugged up the 3rd floor of the house from the basement, where do I need to go, how much money will this cost etc.?"
Well, to give a brief history before I get to that “simple” idea, we moved into our almost 100 year old farm house in the historic district about 5 years ago. Funny thing though, our “farm” didn't really come with any land. Throughout the years the land had been bought up for other houses and we are actually the only house in this historic district that has a very small (I do mean small) backyard for the kids. We do have a pool!!! Except that our gracious neighbor has allowed us to place it in his back yard since it will not fit into ours. He has grand kids so it works our perfectly for us both.
Well, to give a brief history before I get to that “simple” idea, we moved into our almost 100 year old farm house in the historic district about 5 years ago. Funny thing though, our “farm” didn't really come with any land. Throughout the years the land had been bought up for other houses and we are actually the only house in this historic district that has a very small (I do mean small) backyard for the kids. We do have a pool!!! Except that our gracious neighbor has allowed us to place it in his back yard since it will not fit into ours. He has grand kids so it works our perfectly for us both.
Now to the “simple” idea. My wife says she wants me to build an outdoor dressing area for the kids so they can change in and out of their clothes for swimming so they do not have to track in all the water into the house. And of course, it will be placed in the area where no grass grows and is sloppy muddy March through October!!! (Well, it's the perfect unused spot!) “Yeah right! Are you kidding? Do you know who you're talking to?” I said. The one thing that people who know me will tell you is that I am not a carpenter. Oh I can use power tools but by the time I have created something or done a major repair, I've spent 4 times the money and a great deal of effort in correcting all of my mistakes. I just do not build things.

So my Saturday began by pulling out 2x4's, plywood, power tools, an old door. I actually found an old room divider/folding screen that proved to be useful. I had an image in my mind of how it should look but no idea how I was going to get it there. So with a mish mash of items I began working on the framing that would support the roof. Remember what I said about not going to the store for anything…well check out my protective eye wear.

As the day continued, with the mish mash of items, plywood for the base and one side wall, the old door for the opposite wall and the wall divider as the backing something really started to emerge. I used the left over plywood for the roof and then turned it over to my wife to make it pretty. She topped it off with beautiful fabrics for the entry and the top and Voila – the outdoor dressing room. I am still not a carpenter and still would not take on big projects but was pleasantly surprised at what a bunch of old ply wood, left over door, and room divider could produce with some nails, screws and power tools.
Moral of the story: If I can build this, there should be no excuse for any of your husbands to build something, paint something, change something around when you ask that “simple” question, “Honey, I have an idea of something that I want to do….” (...making note of that!)
-Story by: Stephen Hood
-Commentary by: Polly Hood