Yesterday afternoon, after our big market last weekend, my daughter Faith and I finally had a chance to hang out. If you know what a love language is, hers is quality time so she has been pretty empty lately.

We decided that instead of taking off to the coast or Paris for the day (not enough time or money), we would go junking at her favorite garden sale which only happens twice a year. Its a show about 45 minutes away - far enough to feel like your getting out of town but close enough for dinner with dad and sis who stayed at home. We knew friends would be there and Faith was on a mission - finding a dresser for her American Girl doll. So along came the doll, dressed in her finest as well and off we went after church. Daddy even packed us a road lunch of babybell cheeses, crackers, sparkling water and candy. And off we went!!!
While we didnt score much on the dresser - we did come close on a small antique stove for the doll. I wish I got a picture of it but the dealer was pretty insistent that the matching refrigerator was a fit and Faith gave me the - "its not mom" look so we declined and moved on. Here are a few things I came home with for under $20.

Small Brass and wood stand - $5

Flower frog and linen fabrics.

Satin pillow case with fringe in perfect shape - $1.

Sweet pink sheer gloves for dress-up on the kids or mannequins - $2.50.

Glass bottle $2.50.
I love using old milk bottles for vases because they are hefty and wont fall over. The kids cut the first roses of the season for this photo and the little cupboard in the back, while not a find from yesterday, will fit the doll perfectly until Faith does find one of her own.
Have a great week and thanks for letting me share my girls day out.
Sandy - The Tattered House