Every Time A Bell Rings...


Have you noticed the wings swooping around blogland lately?

I hadn't. Truly. I took this picture last week, thinking I was being so creative, and then a few days later when I was out visiting blogs, I came across quite a few mannequins who got their wings recently. There's a pair at Sweet Pea, a pair at The Spice Cupboard, and more than a pair at The Flying Bee. So I did a little searching... Your Betsy, Gertrude, Rosy... whatever you've named your mannequin... she can have her own feather wings for just $7.20! OR.... McMaster & Storm has some oh-so-cool foil wings. In fact, Kara had two pair with chink in their armor so I snapped them up because I figure if anyone should have bent wings, it's me! *smiles*

Posted by: Polly - Counting Your Blessings

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