If you live in a dinky closet-challenged bungalow like I do, you've got to get creative when it comes to storage. And since any storage solution will need to be out in the open, it'd better look good, which in my book means VINTAGE.
It's no secret that I adore vintage suitcases, the older the better. Stack 'em high and pack 'em up! Mine are loaded with off-season clothes (bkinis, sweaters, etc.), ephemera packets ready for sale, table linens, and all the fitness equipment I never use (but that's a secret).
I snatch these up at every chance I get. In preparation for this post, I counted a downright scary 13 in use in my home, 9 in my shop, and 14 that I've sold in the last 2 years.
Stack them at the end of the bed or as an endtable; tuck one or two under a buffet; showcase them on bookcases. Or just send them to me! XOX