This big fella' was adopted about 10 years ago. I think I got him at Pier One. I do know I got him at 1/2 price or I would not have bought him because he was expensive. He's hand carved solid wood and is about 3 feet tall.

I just love this little red rooster. He is my paper towel holder. The black and white toile plate behind him sits above the sink and features a rooster scene. My sweet daughter-in-law give me that when they were visiting Fourth of July.

This is my rooster pillow that I gave to myself one year for Christmas. (Incidentally, the leopard print pillow is one I made from washcloths..... of all things). :)

And lastly, I think this little guy is probably my favorite rooster. I bought him at a craft fair about 25 years ago. He had a stand but that went missing many years ago. He's scruffy and beat up and now rest in a basket hanging from the beams in the kitchen ceiling.
Do you have a rooster? :) Cock a Doodle Doo from Lynn @ The Vintage Nest.