Where Bloggers Create

Welcome to the 3rd floor studio that we loving call The Servant's Quarters, named for the area where the servants slept in this old farmhouse nearly a century ago. Yes, I'm terribly spoiled to have such a dreamy space. Mr. Blessing is my hero for helping me cart my wares (and furniture) up three flights of stairs!

The floors are rough but who are we to complain? Someday we may refinish them but for now, they are a great source of story-telling. We wonder sometimes, the kids and I, what the living was like 100 years ago on these very floors.

Those of you who follow the Counting Your Blessings blog know that I'm crazy about vintage mannequins and dressforms.

I have them all over the house but the studio usually has 2 or 3 - just for inspiration.

The room is always changing. My work area covers a lot of square feet and lighting is always an issue so I work where the light is best for that particular project. This dresser top is almost always covered with doo-dads and various bits of lace waiting for the next project.

During the Winter months I do most of my sewing in the studio so that I can keep an eye on the kids (We have designated an area as a classroom for the two youngest that are homeschooled). Even though we have air conditioning in the studio, during the Summer I work from the dining room because the kids are usually outdoors and I can see them better.

With the severe sloping ceilings on the third floor, furniture for storage can be difficult. Steamer trunks are wonderful!

When the work is done, sometimes we light candles in the fireplace and talk about where we would place the beds if we were the servants.

Posted by: Counting Your Blessings

I don't normally do this but I created a Flickr Group for Where Bloggers Create if you'd like to add your photos. I thought it might be nice to have them all in one place.

Big thanks to My Desert Cottage for hosting!!

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