August Button Fest

It's a button fest! When I wear and sell my button jewelry, women speak to me and come clean about their button jars.
According to my unscientific survey,
most women covet their button jars...
They keep them for years and years.
The button jars move from house to house.
Every once in awhile, the jar is
sought for a quick repair of a missing shirt button. And we are reminded of the wonderful sounds our button jars make!
When I was at the Metropolitan Museum of Art recently,
I almost fell over when I saw the art of
El Anatsui. Brace yourself...
His gorgeous giant textiles are composed
of bottle caps among other cast-off materials. He flattens them, and up close they resemble

Maybe that spectacular artwork has
been fueling my August button fest...
Next week I am going to inspire
us with some amazing button artists!
(This will give us some time
to get out our button jars.)

All my best,

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